Saturday, April 17, 2010

Shoot 11 (Part 1): Brennan @ Granville Island

What: 1 hour fun shoot
Where: Granville Island
Who: Brennan Massicotte
Why: Male portrait shots

Brennan and I headed on over to Granville Island to have some of the best fish available in the city and figured we might as well take some photos. It seems that in spite of the hard work put into the highly manufactured storefronts, the best part of the island seems to be in the alleyways and out of sight areas. The in between spaces and nooks and crannies (the alcoves, if that is the word, alcoves?) of this place are full of interesting spaces; spaces that can be easily and freely explored. The island and surround area feels extremely safe and open; and we were able to take photos without anyone getting in the way or botching the shots. It might be hard to find direct sunlight when exploring the middle of the island, but I think that the interesting locations makes up for that.

What did I learn?
I love taking photos in parking garages. They are filled with interesting lighting and sometimes have some ridiculous architecture to take advantage of. I will be taking more photos in parking garages.
It is often more interesting to explore spaces that are not meant for the general public. That is usually where the un-manicured and thus more "real" part of the world can be found.
Brennan is good looking, which is why his life is so easy.
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  1. Lol- "Brennan is good looking, which is why his life is so easy."

  2. Brennan is HOT!! He's like a cross between ryan phillippe and justin timberlake!

  3. It's true Jonathon, look at that anonymous post, he gets that every day. Bastard.
